The Adventures of the Stellanova II
In the vast Gamma Quadrant of space, a mischievous Vorta named Wet and his crew embarks on thrilling adventures aboard his space cruise liner, the Stellanova II. Set in the aftermath of the events of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, this story introduces a colorful cast of characters who navigate the cosmos with a healthy dose of humor. Join Wet, Tira, and Veleau as they unravel secrets, evade adversaries, and find laughter and light in the darkest corners of the Gamma Quadrant.
Sci-Fi, Slice of Life
Content Warnings: suicide, self harm, horror, gore, nudity, drug use, strong language, mature themes
FNAF SB: The Beanie Chronicles
The Vanny virus is spreading chaos throughout the pizzaplex, causing the animatronics to behave unpredictably. Beanie, a skilled and experienced animatronic mechanic, is determined to uncover the source of the disturbance. Her investigation leads her to the daycare attendants, whose erratic behavior stands out among the rest. One fateful night, while inspecting their code in a desperate attempt to solve the mystery, Beanie finds herself face-to-face with danger as Moon attacks her, revealing just how deep the corruption runs.
Romance, Action
Content Warnings: violence, gore, dubious consent (dubcon), language
MLP: Cunt Infection